Recap: November Clay Club at David on the Corner in Bakersville

Thanks to David Westmeier and his studio partner Sage Morgan for hosting Clay Club! It was great to get to see David's studio and gallery space, David on the Corner, in downtown Bakersville.

David did several demos. The first was the throwing of a tall piece that he said was inspired by an equisetum. He explained that an equisetum or horsetail fern is a living fossil and that the piece represented its struggle. He also showed us a mushroom cluster and a sconce decorated with mushrooms. He said he was inspired by his Sage's work (more on that below) and a mushroom hunting trip at Penland. His last demo was throwing a large platter. Check out the ice cube bins he uses for holding water when throwing: he stacks two together for sturdiness, and places them on both sides of the wheel so he has easier access to the water. Genius idea!

Sage showed us her work and talked through her process. Her favorite subjects are mushrooms and slugs, as is immediately apparent from her work. She talked about how she resisted sketching in the past but more recently has become a convert - and how she thinks that has made her work better. She shared her sketchbook which was full of really superb sketches. She showed us the DiamondCore tools that she uses to sketch her designs on her pieces and to carve them. Sage's studio name is Grumpy Dwarf Pottery - see more of her work at and

David and Sage will be participating in the Toe River Studio Tour, November 30th - December 2nd. That would be a great time to visit the studio and gallery and see all of their work.

December Clay Club will be at High Country Ceramic Arts in Burnsville on December 12th. I'll share more details closer to the date.

Thanks again to David and Sage for a terrific clay club - and to everyone who came out despite the unpleasant weather last night!